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Pick-ups & Deliveries


You will receive a text once your order is ready for pick-up.
You may pick it up yourself or book a rider through Grab/ Lalamove.
*Delivery fee c/o customer
Pick-up hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 4pm | Sat, 8am - 3pm


You will receive an email notification once your order is on the way.
*Delivery fee will be part of your total bill
Delivery hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 4pm | Sat, 8am - 3pm

Matcha Disclaimer

Matcha may settle at the bottom of the bottle. Worry not! This is completely normal as authentic matcha does not completely dissolve in liquids. Authentic matcha is made with finely ground green tea leaves that form a powdery texture.


Where does Matcha Mama source her matcha?
  • Mama's matcha comes from a small farm in Uji, Kyoto in Japan. It is harvested during the first flush then stone-ground to create a beautiful umami flavor. 
What is the shelf life of Matcha Mama's drinks?
  • You may keep our drinks refrigerated for up to 5 days! Always shake well before consuming. Tastes nice over ice!
Where does Matcha Mama source her hojicha?
  • Mama's hojicha comes from the Aichi Prefecture in Japan. Farmers pick the green tea leaves then is roasted over charcoal to give a naturally sweet and smoky flavor that is truly unique even in color.
Which drinks are caffeine-free?
  • The Thai Nom Yen and Sakura Latte are mama's caffeine-free drinks! These are great for kids too!